Word On Kelly

Please tell Kelly that his talk was fabulous! It's wonderful and amazing to see how "at peace" he is with everything. He really makes it clear that there is so much we CAN do in life...we shouldn't focus on what we can't. He is absolutely aw-inspiring and I truly believe he is a great mentor to other young athletes!

Debi Letkemann, CPP, MBA, RCMP

Hi Kelly, just a quick note of thanks for your thought-provoking presentation in Dauphin this week. As an adult who has struggled with obstacles on the journey towards her goals, it was timely and encouraging to be reminded of the power of focus and persistence.

Aimée Bayer, Liason/Communications Officer - University of Winnipeg

Kelly is a down to earth athlete where everything he says can be translated into everyday life. His drive to be adventurous and try new things can motivate anyone in the room to go outside the box!

Erin Hamilton, Senior Manager - Paralympics Ontario

Kelly's comfortable style of sharing his story contributes to the powerful message. A meaningful presentation for audiences of any age, Kelly utilizes his accomplishments as an athlete and outdoor enthusiast as a backdrop for a stage that features the importance of positive attitudes in everyday life.

Jeff Tiessen, Publisher, Active Living Magazine